Saturday, October 21, 2006

3 weeks old already

Hey, everyone!! Can you believe I'm already 3 weeks old? Boy, does time fly. Everything is going well - I'm breaking Mom in on my routine. Don't worry though, once she gets the hang of it I'll change it up on her - just to keep her on her toes.
Here are some of the latest and greatest photos! I'll talk to you later!
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Kyla just loves hangin' out with her little brother Colton... for now.
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Isn't she sweet?
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"I hot, Mommy"

Kyla's latest trick is to take her clothes off all by herself...
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Saturday, October 14, 2006

It's a Boy!!!

I'm here!!!

Colton Peter Abrahamson
Friday, September 29th 2:01 am
8 lbs. 13 oz.
21 1/2 inches
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The very proud yet exhausted parents
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Hello everyone!!
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Kyla sees her new baby brother for the first time. She was so excited!! Grandma and Grandpa Abrahamson had already taught her how to say his name, "Coltek".
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Colton wasn't so sure about leaving the hospital...
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Kyla is very good with her new brother. She loves to give "Coltek" kisses on the cheek.
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Isn't he cute?
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The kids!
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