Sunday, January 10, 2010

Cuddle Time!

Is there any room for me?
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Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!!

You know you live in the sticks when...

You need a trailor to trick or treat!

It was really nice for the kids since the houses are spread so far apart. It saved their little legs from so much walking.

Here's the whole gang. Let's see we have the Peterson twins puppies - Ashley and Emily, Austin the ninja, Kyla - Cinderella - again, Colton one of the two supermans, Trevor the other one of the two supermans, and Aubrey the adorable bee!

Everyone is bundled up and ready to roll!
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The Halloween Parade!

We took the kids to the Annual Halloween Parade. It was COLD but we were going to try it. We made stayed for most of the parade but when the clouds rolled in it got even colder and fast!

Here are the Matson's - good friends through daycare.

Colton was so excited to see the firetrucks!! This was the first time he didn't cover his ears when they sounded the siren. He's such a big boy.

Miss Rebecca thought it would be really funny to flag down one of the Vulcans.

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Monkey See Monkey Do

So, I feed Abby one night and I notice Colton has set up camp to watch her eat. I think to myself, "How cute is that?"

"She eating!"


One morning I see Colton set his cereal bowl and the floor and proceed to eat it as Abby would.

I'm so proud of him!
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Washing Daddy's Four Wheeler!

How cute is this?

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Happy Birthday Colton!

My little man turned 3 on September 29th. Wow. Time sure flies. If only we could slow it down a little bit...
He just loves his, "Lightning wace caw!"

And his, "Chaiwwy pickuh."

And NOBODY likes catching bad guys as much as Colton.

I think his all time favorite is the Light Sabor Sword. Watch out when he's swinging this thing. My nephews had their swords up north when we were on vacation and Colton fell in love. The only time he was without it was when it got comphiscated and needed a rest. He even slept with it! To this day he asks if he can cuddle his sword.

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Helping Mommy.

Here's Colton helping Mommy make lunch. Notice he's not wearing any pants. That's right - potty training!! I was a little worried about how he'd do, but he did awesome! He's such a big boy.

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Summer Vacation!

We finally took a family summer vacation! We took off up north to join Brock, Nancy, Erik, Kate, Sara, Dan, Noah, Caden, and Evelyn. What fun!! All of us together under one roof. Those who are not used to the joyful sound of children could always get away for a paddle boat or kayak ride, or perhaps a hike. We all had so much fun that we want to do it again next summer!

Our kids get up at the crack of dawn, so I would get up with them and we'd either go outside to play on the playground or "quietly" hang out on the screened in porch.

We arrived pretty late at night so in the morning there was so much to see!

We attempted fishing trips...

And boating trips.

There was a great beach so the kids could swim!

There was a great little playhouse the kids fell in love with in the play area. Inside was a play kitchen set and before we knew it "Suzie's Restaurant" was born. You'd order from one window, pick up at another window, and drop off your dirty dishes in a third window. They had this figured out. At one point I asked "Suzie" aka Kyla for some sprinkles on my ice cream cone and she said, "You get what you get and you don't have a fit!" I wonder where she's heard that before...
The whole crew minus one went on a pontoon ride on the last day.

The kids even got to drive!

It proved to be a long day.

What a fabulous vacation!

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