Thursday, August 21, 2008


I absolutely LOVE this picture! The kids were so tired and we all climbed into Kyla's bed for story time. I don't think I even made it half way through the story and I could hear Colton's rhythmic pattern with his nuk and Kyla's deep breathing. I dared to stop reading and peek and sure enough they were both asleep! I gently climbed off the bed and ran downstairs to grab the camera!

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Day Care Field Trip!

Once again I had the opportunity to chaparone the Day Care Field Trip to Fawn-Doe-Rosa. I LOVED this trip last year and LOVED this trip again this year. I just love watching all the kids interact with the animals.
Here's Kyla a lot more comfortable this year feeding the deer. She did have an encounter with a buck that had her wary of them the rest of the day. The deer just wander around looking for food and it's not unlike them to nudge your hand with their nose. Well, this huge 12 point buck came up behind Kyla and nudged her hand looking for food. It took her by surprise and scared her so she went scrambling to get away from him and fell. She didn't get hurt but she was really shook up. The rest of the day she would only feed the Does.

Colton too was more at ease this year.

I got the job of carrying the bucket of food. The kids couldn't keep their hands out of it. They just loved feeding the animals. As we were walking they would just come up and stick their hands in the bucket and after ahile I didn't think much of it - until... I was distracted watching the kids do something totally adorable and I noticed that whoever was digging for food in the bucket was taking awhile. I turned my head to see this Doe had just walked up to me and helped herself! OOPS!

This was Kyla's favorite part of the day - the Pony Rides!

Last year Colton didn't really know what to think, but this year he had a blast!

This kid has no fear! I was just waiting for this goat to chomp on Colton's fingers!

This was wild! These two girls (maybe 11 in age?) were sitting on a log by the pond and this huge buck just wanders over and sits down on the grass in front of them! One of the girls just reaches out and starts petting it like a dog!! UNREAL!! He sat there for quite a while.

Here are some of the kids being goofy.

Clockwise from top: Sophia, Kyla, Nora, Stella, Austin, and Max

And the whole gang!

Top row: Stella, Austin, Nora, Max, Trevor, and Grandma Linda

Middle row: Kyla, Sam, Sophia

Bottow row: Colton and Gabriel

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Mom's Baking!

This is our favorite part of Mom baking!

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