Sunday, February 01, 2009

It's oh so Quiet.

I knew it was too quiet. I wandered up stairs and saw Colton's bedroom door closed. Not a good sign. I slowly open the door... at first all I see is a white cloud. A figure appears. It's Colton! He's covered in... baby powder? How did he... the baby powder was on the second shelf in his closet! Do I dare step inside?

Oh my...

The good news is that his room smells so good!!! And for some reason every time I turn on the vacuum I'm reminded of this little mess.
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Shaving Already?!

Colton received a little "shaving kit" for Christmas. We thought we'd give it whirl...

"Okay, Mom. Now what?"

"Here I go..."

Colton LOVED it. For awhile he carried that little shaver everywhere. Now it's limited to the bathroom.
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And the Winner is...

Grandma Linda!!! Our child care provider was nominated to receive the award for the Child Care Provider of the Year! The county holds a luncheon at the end of the year for the final nominees and their guests. At the end of the luncheon they read off the three winners. Linda was the last one to be called, so we were getting nervous for a second. Linda is the only provider to receive this award three times!! A HUGE honor. Our first question, "Does this mean our rates are going up?" :-) We are all very proud.
Here she's receiving her award.

Here are the final 13 nominees.

Here's Linda with the other 2 winners.
And her cheerleaders:

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Fun with Friends

While the men-folk were fishing, Katie and I got the kids together to play. Here is Austin showing Kyla the Wii.

Now, it's Kyla's turn. Katie gives a few last minute tips. Watch out!!

And she's off!!

The kids decided to turn Austin's bedroom into one big dance party. Oh, did they sleep good that night!
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