Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Mother's Goodnight

Everynight before I put myself to bed I go and check on my "babies". Last night I slowly walked over to Colton's crib. I smiled when I saw him lying on his stomach with his knees tucked in underneath him so his butt's up in the air. His head was turned to the side and his nuk was hanging half way out of his little mouth. His left arm was still hugging his elmo doll close to his side. How precious is this? I couldn't help but to just stand there and watch. I kissed my fingers, placed them on his cheek and thanked God for this wonderful gift.

Next I went into Kyla's room. There she was curled up on her side in her red, flannel penguin nightgown and red socks. Like her brother she was hugging her "baby". I gently lie down next to her. She stirred and rolled towards me. I kissed her perfect little cheek and placed my hand on her back. As I lie there watching her dream I felt a wave of peace pass over me like a warm blanket. I did't want to move. I just wanted to stay right there next to my very own flesh and blood. It was almost as though I could feel my soul recharging. Once again I thanked God for this wonderful gift.

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