Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Friends School Plant Sale!

WOW!! So many plants... so little time! This is a wonderful fundraiser for the Friends School. The Friends school is a K-8 independant Quaker school. Every mother's day weekend they have their plant sale with over 2,200 varieties of plants! Check out the website: It is held in the Grand Stand at the State Fairgrounds. Here the line starts at the door, runs down the length of the Grandstand, all along the back wall, out the door, and back up the front!!! With all these people I bet we didn't wait longer than 10 - 15 minutes! They have the system down!!

And Mom thought we'd only need one wagon!

Brady's truck just hasn't been the same since we stuffed it with girly plants...

Here' my haul! I was so excited to start digging!!! We are SO doing this again next year!
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