Friday, December 30, 2005

He's here!!!

William Gordon Parks

Dec. 25 at 10:06 am.
6 lbs. 2 oz.
18 inches long

What a wonderful Christmas present for all!
 Posted by Picasa
Grandpa and Grandma... again. Does it get any better than this? Posted by Picasa
Three generations of Parks men. Watch out world! Posted by Picasa
Me and my new nephew. I'm so excited!!! Posted by Picasa
Big sister Judaya. She just loves her new baby brother! Posted by Picasa
The new and improved Parks family!! Posted by Picasa

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. Nothing is better than spending the holidays with family and friends. Here's to a Happy New Year! May 2006 bring more wonderful memories! Posted by Picasa
Our girls... Posted by Picasa
Christmas Sweetheart.  Posted by Picasa
Pretty! Posted by Picasa
My first Christmas decoration! She's as big as I am! We're going to have a lot of fun together! Posted by Picasa
This will fit perfectly!! Posted by Picasa
Ahhh... Caden wants to give Kyla a hug!  Posted by Picasa
Mine! All mine! It's a drum just my size. Mom and Dad are going to love this! Posted by Picasa
After a long day of unwrapping presents and playing with your cousins, there's nothing better than a good cup of ice. Posted by Picasa

Kyla's First Cast!

Due to an unfortunate event on the stairs, Kyla broke a bone in her foot. It's just a hairline fracture, but the doctor thought it best to put her in a cast. We chose red for the holiday season. I thought it would be fun to let her ham it up. Here's her "photo shoot".  Posted by Picasa
Show me love! Posted by Picasa
This is my favorite. Posted by Picasa
Show me surprise! Posted by Picasa
Kyla looking tough. Posted by Picasa