Saturday, June 05, 2010

Valentines Day

Kyla and I made heart cookies for her daycare Valentine's Party. Isn't she cute?

Colton didn't feel like baking.

Holy sprinkles! Oh the joys of decorating.

"Candy? Sugar? I'm in!"
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Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Kyla got to spend the whole day with Grandma Nancy!! So, toether they made Daddy a birthday cake. Happy Birthday, Daddy!!

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Monser Twucks!!

Brady thought it would be fun to take Colton to the Monster Truck show. So he and several other fathers and sons loaded up and drove to the Metrodome. Colton had never been downtown before so he was amazed by everything! "DAD!! Wook at dat buildin. It big!" "DAD!! Der's a twain on da woad!"
Once they got to the Metrodome, Brady bought Colton his favorite snack items - Lemonade and Popcorn! Colton was just mesmorized by the trucks. He was so busy watching the trucks and shoveling in popcorn that he bit his finger. Hard. Poor, Coltie!

Here's my cool lil' dude!
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Kyla Goes Ice Fishing!!

Kyla's first Ice Fishing outing. She was SO excited. Mom made sure she had plenty of layers on and Dad made sure there was plenty of snacks. I thought it was a little odd that neither one of them ate much of the potroast dinner when they got back. Even though she didn't catch anything this time, she had a blast.

Apparently while Dad was taking everything down and packing up the truck, Kyla accidentally stepped into a hole. Brady walked through the back door carrying a (very red and cold) barefoot Kyla. Mom may have over-reacted a little bit and had Kyla put her foot in a tub of warm water. Sorry 'bout it. Mom loves her little girl.

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Brady thought it was kind of quiet upstairs so he grabbed the camera to go and investigate.

The kids were playing restaurant. Complete with... water! Thankfully the spills were minimal.

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Disney Princesses on Ice!!

I was told by a friend of mine that one of her favorite memories as a child was going to see "Disney on Ice." I had heard the radio advertisements and thought, "That might be fun to take Kyla!" So... I talked to a fellow daycare mom, Rebecca, about taking the girls to "Disney on Ice." It was a done deal. The girls were so excited!! Here's Kyla and her friend Nora.

Kyla and Mommy
Nora and Mommy

The Show!!

All of four of us. I hope we made some memories for these two sweet little girls. We sure did for me.

*Photos courtesy of Rebecca Matson - Thank you!!
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