Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day Care Christmas Pagent!

Every year, Grandma Linda has the children re-enact the Christmas Story. This year, my angel was an angel.

My little star, was the Star of Bethlehem. See how he shines?

Here's the whole gang in costume. They managed to get through the program this year with out crying.
See last year's post.

After the program the kids get to do a pinata and exchange gifts. As always, a good time was had by all.

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Every year during the month of December there is a night time parade where all the floats are covered in Christmas lights. It's called the Holidazzle. Laura and I thought it would be a great idea to load all the kids on the train for trip into Downtown. We'd grab a quick bite to and then bundle up for the parade. The kids will totally love it!

Here they are... so excited to ride the train.

Wait a minute... look who else is on the train!!

As it turns out, bringing two children downtown with one parent is NOT a good idea. Not without a lease at least. Laura thankfully had her husband along. In addition, she doesn't have Colton as a son. God bless the child and his curiosity. I think I had about 50 panic attacks. I was trying to carry all of our crap and hang on to 2 kids. Kyla did well, she stayed close by. Colton, however, would just take off! Either that or he would get so absorbed by what he was staring at that he wouldn't pay attention to where the rest of us went. GRRRR! Of course downtown was packed, which increased my anxiety ten fold. Colton fell in love with the escalators, so worse case, look for an escalator and there he would be. WHEW!

When it came time to bundle up, Colton wanted nothing to do with it. So now here we are, Laura's kids are happily getting dressed and here I am completely stressed out and desperately trying to keep it together while my son is screaming and carrying on. HONESTLY!

We finally get outside and my two children start fighting. I mean pushing, shoving, the whole nine yards (picture Laura's kids patiently standing and waiting for the parade to start). If I had my car down there we would have left. Unfortunately, we were stuck. With the wind chill it was down to zero degrees and my kids were fighting. This is fun! We finally made it through the parade and then my kids start crying because they're cold. Who could blame them? I couldn't wait for the evening to be over. As we made our way back to the train station, I was trying to carry all of our crap, Colton, and trying to hold Kyla's hand. The kids cried the whole way there. I can honestly say that I will NEVER do that again. To my I was surprise Laura and Steve were willing to hang out again after all of that! We didn't scare them off!

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Kyla's Gift From Grandma Nancy

Grandma Nancy wanted to take Kyla to Build-A-Bear for her birthday. She had the great idea of taking the train all the way down. Kyla had picked out a special outfit out weeks in advance for her trip and wouldn't wear it until then.

Here we are at the train station...

Kyla's first time on a train. Look at that face! Do you think she's excited?


Here she is giving her special bear a heart.

And here is "Emma's" outfit...

After Build-A-Bear we went for lunch at the Rainforest Cafe. What a cool place. We managed to finish our lunch during a tropical storm!

What a long, but fun day. I think we all slept good that night.

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Happy Birthday, Kyla!

My sweet little girl is 6 going on 16. For her birthday party we had a Tea Party! How cute. All these little girls all dressed up... Pinkies up, Ladies!

See the slide show for all the pictures.